This ministry provides the youth of the parish with a true opportunity to function as lay ministers by reverently assisting the celebrant and/or deacon during Sunday Mass and at special liturgies throughout the year. Open to 4th grade-12th grade members of the parish.
If you wish to consider this ministry, please contact: Dawn Ritter at [email protected]or call 989-723-4277 ext. 1105.
Lectors proclaim the Word of God clearly and understandably so that all who hear may respond. Open to confirmed high school students and adults.
If you wish to consider this ministry, please contact: Dawn Ritter at
[email protected] or call 989-723-4277 ext. 1105.
The Ministry of Music leads music during weekend Masses, holy days, weddings, funerals and other special liturgies throughout the year. Parishioners are invited to share their musical talents with the rest of the congregation through this ministry.
If you wish to consider this ministry, please contact: RussellBeaudoin at 723-4277 ext. 1109 or [email protected]
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
These lay people are sometimes referred to as Eucharistic Ministers. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve by bringing communion to parishioners who reside in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or in their own homes and unable to get to church. They also may assist the priest in distributing the Eucharist at Mass.
If you wish to consider this ministry, please contact: Sr. Dorothy Ann Blasko, OP at 989-725-5215 ext. 1302 or d[email protected] or Dawn Ritter at [email protected] or 989-723-4277 ext. 1105.
Ushers offer assistance to those in need, distribute parish bulletins, take up the collection, and distribute other materials as needed.
If you wish to consider this ministry, please contact: Annette Reed-Beaudoin at 723-4277 or [email protected]or Kimberly Unterbrink at 989-725-5215 or [email protected]
Ministry of Compassion
Those who serve in this ministry are there to welcome those who are attending a funeral liturgy. To offer support or direction to the family of the deceased or to those who are visiting our parish for the first time. If you would like to be a part of this new ministry please contact Sr. Dorothy Ann Blasko, OP at 989-725-5215 ext. 1302 or
[email protected]